How to use the verb “gustar” to express likes and dislikes
Colombian SpanishHere's a quick lesson to help you learn how to use the verb "gustar" to express likes and dislikes.

10 most common Spanish verbs
Colombian SpanishHere are 10 common Spanish verbs that will help you improve your vocabulary and communication skills.

Do all Spanish speakers understand each other?
Colombian SpanishIf I learn Spanish in Colombia, would I be able to speak with people from Argentina or Chile? Almost all new Spanish language students ask these questions. So, what's the answer?

Quick Guide to Master Diminutives in Spanish
Colombian SpanishIn Colombia, we frequently use diminutives both casually and formally; some people think we overuse them. Learn how and when to use them with this quick guide.

Spanish Vocabulary you need to know: Kitchen and cooking
Colombian SpanishPut your cooking skills to the test with this Spanish kitchen vocabulary!

What do people mean when they say Colombian Spanish?
Colombian SpanishFind out what makes Colombian Spanish so unique and appealing to new Spanish language learners.

Understanding business etiquette in Colombia
Colombian SpanishIf you're preparing to work abroad, investing, or handling suppliers or customers in Colombia, this guide to Colombian business etiquette is essential reading.

What does “me regala” mean in Colombian Spanish?
Colombian SpanishAll Spanish speakers use the verb "regalar" to give something for free or as a present, but what is the Colombian way of using this verb, and why should you learn it?

How learning about Colombian culture can help you improve your Spanish communication skills
Colombian SpanishWant to speak Colombian Spanish without sounding too formal? Take the time to familiarize yourself with the Colombian culture and see how it can help your communication skills.

Vaina, the most used and versatile Colombian word
Colombian SpanishThe word "vaina" is such an important part of the Colombian lexicon. It's a word we use daily; it's simple and complex at the same time, so it deserves an entire article!