Colombian Spanish

We have said that Colombian Spanish is one of the most neutral and most clean Spanish to learn and understand. Learn more about it here.

Levels of Spanish Explained with the verb “Gustar”

Levels of Spanish explained with the verb “Gustar”

We have prepared this quick guide to help you better understand your main achievements on each level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Two Spanish students in classroom. Private Spanish classes in Bogota.

5 different ways to use “como” in Spanish

"Cómo" is one of the most commonly used words in Spanish - and when you're just learning the language, it can be confusing because there are so many meanings! If you're not sure how to use this word, keep reading.
Colombian Spanish student in classroom

Mastering your Spanish: Don’t overuse personal pronouns

Do you want to sound more natural when speaking Spanish? This is what you need to know when using personal pronouns.
The 20 most common Spanish filler words or "muletillas"

The 20 most common Spanish filler words or “muletillas”

Want to sound like a native Spanish speaker? Learn to use these filler words or "muletillas" in a conversation.
Break-up lines in Spanish you need to know

15 Break-up lines in Spanish you need to know

How do you say "it's over," or "it's time to go our separate ways" in Spanish? Here are the 15 most common ways to break up in Colombia.
What makes the Spanish language special?

What makes the Spanish language special?

From the letter "ñ" to its easy pronunciation, let's explore the reasons why the Spanish language is so unique.
Writing emails in Spanish - How to do it

Writing emails in Spanish – How to do it

Email is the most common form of business communication for most of us, so it’s important to get it right. Here are some tips to help you write the perfect professional email in Spanish.
Spanish for Business: Vocabulary and effective ways to learn

Spanish for Business: Vocabulary and effective ways to learn

Here's our handy list of Spanish words and phrases frequently used in business or work.
10 Spanish words you can't translate into English

10 Spanish words you can’t translate into English

The beauty of the language is that they are all unique! Each language -or family of languages- has its structure, dialects, and unique words. Some words simply don't have an exact translation in other languages; in this case, we are talking…
Top 3 differences between Colombian Spanish and Argentinian Spanish

Differences between Colombian Spanish and Argentinian Spanish

Though the language spoken in Colombia and Argentina is the same, there are some interesting differences between them. We answer common questions about pronunciation, slang words, and more!