All you need to know to flirt and date with Colombians
Colombian SpanishLooking for some expert flirting tips? We've got you covered. Here's everything you need to know to flirt and date Colombians.

35 Piropos (compliments) in Colombian Spanish
Colombian SpanishFlirting can be tricky, but having some smooth phrases on hand is helpful. Colombians are experts in compliments. But be aware that there are "piropos" of all kinds!

How to learn Colombian Spanish quickly and easily?
Colombian SpanishColombian Spanish is a fun language to learn, but learning it quickly can seem like a massive challenge. Want to know how to learn Colombian Spanish fast? We've got you covered!

9 ways to improve your Spanish writing skills
Colombian SpanishHow to Improve your Writing Skills in Spanish?. These tips will help you to become a better writer as a non-native speaker.

10 top tips to learn Spanish at home
Colombian SpanishYou don't need to live in a Spanish-speaking country to start learning. Check out these creative ways to incorporate the Spanish language into your daily routine at home!

Tips for mastering Spanish gender
Colombian SpanishConfused about the gender of Spanish nouns? Don't be! Learn the rules to help you know whether a word is masculine or feminine!

7 common mistakes when learning Spanish
Colombian SpanishMaking mistakes is inevitable when you are learning a new language. But, if you know where the pitfalls are, you can easily avoid them.

How to improve your Spanish listening skills?
Colombian SpanishWhat can you do regularly to help you tune your ear to Spanish? Take a look at these ideas to improve your Spanish listening skills and have fun at the same time.

False friends: Spanish/English false cognates
Colombian SpanishFind out what false friends in linguistics are, and which of these 'friends' you need to avoid as an English speaker learning Spanish.

20 funny Colombian expressions and what they mean
Colombian SpanishSome of the most common Colombian Spanish slang expressions are also the funniest. Here are 20 phrases that are so silly you'll never forget them!