Learn Spanish with Colombian recipes

Colombian aji sauce in a container surrounded by empanadas

Writing and reviewing recipes can help Spanish learners in a lot of areas: food related vocabulary, giving and following instructions, idioms etc.

The following recipe is for “Ají colombiano”, one of the most versatile a delicious hot sauce you will find in Colombia. This spicy condiment can go on everything: from empanadas to soups and it’s served in almost every Colombian restaurant.


1-2 chili peppers, seeded and finely minced (habanero or jalapeño)
2 green onions (white part only), finely chopped
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 tomato, peeled, seeded and finely chopped
1/2 cup white vinegar
1/4 cup water
1/2 cup cilantro, finely chopped
1/2 teaspoon salt


Put vinegar, water and pepper in a blender for 2 minutes.
Place all the remaining ingredients in a bowl and stir to mix.
Add the vinegar and peppers mix and mix well.

Spanish version


1-2 chiles, sin semillas, finamente picados
2 cebollas verdes (parte blanca únicamente), finamente picada
1 cebolla pequeña, finamente picada
1 tomate, pelado, y finamente picado
1/2 taza de vinagra blanco
1/4 taza de agua
1/2 taza de cilantro, finamente picado
1/2 cucharadita de sal


Ponga el vinagre, el agua y el chile en una licuadora por 2 minutos
En un recipiente, mezcle bien los demás ingredientes
Añada la mezcla de vinagre y chiles y mezcle bien.