Why small classes are essential for language learning success

A man and a woman enjoying a class

One of the best ways to provide quality instruction to each student is by keeping class sizes small. 

For many language schools maintaining smaller class sizes is challenging. 

But here at Learn More Than Spanish, it’s worth the effort.

Think of a classroom of near 20 students with only one teacher. 

Many of them won’t receive the attention they need, and their challenges will only increase as the classes progress.

A single teacher won’t be able to provide the individual attention that most students need. So, their ability to deliver quality instruction will decrease.

But with personalized instruction and small-group classes, there is something for everyone. 

Learn More Than Spanish is known for its small class sizes, making the school more attractive to students wanting to learn the language.

But there are other advantages. Here are four reasons why small class size is suitable for your language education.

1. A more positive class culture

Teachers can provide more personal attention to students when there are fewer.

They also strive to get their students to work together in the classroom. 

Our small class sizes allow the students to work together while receiving the same level of interaction from the teacher.

They also provide teachers with the opportunity to build stronger relationships with students. 

And, of course, it’s easier for them to identify their student’s strengths, weaknesses, and unique needs. 

And by knowing how their students, teachers can explain complex concepts more quickly.

2. More opportunities for one-on-one attention

In a large classroom, it’s easy for some students to go unnoticed. 

But, unfortunately, often, those are the students who need the most help.

With LMTS’s smaller classes, teachers have more one-on-one time with every student. As a result, it is easier for them to provide instruction to every student on their level. 

3. Students are more engaged

Our students feel more confident in the classroom when they form strong relationships with their teachers.

And this is very important when you are learning a new language. 

Students need to be engaged and be responsible for their work and level of participation.

4. Students learn faster

Having a small group allows for a faster pace of work. 

Teachers can cover more material and explore more topics.

Letting the students experience the curriculum and ideas more thoroughly. 

Final thoughts

In conclusion, having smaller classes

  • provide individualized learning experiences,
  • are more engaging, and 
  • encourage students to feel recognized and included regardless of their educational needs.

That is why it is essential for us always to offer our students small class sizes.

An environment that allows the teacher to focus on teaching each one of them.

What do you think? Does class size matter?

Got questions? PM us on Instagram.

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