Colombian Spanish

We have said that Colombian Spanish is one of the most neutral and most clean Spanish to learn and understand. Learn more about it here.

Student at our school in Bogotá learning Colombian Spanish slang

Top Colombian slang to know before visiting Bogotá

Learn key Colombian slang before visiting Bogotá! Speak naturally, connect with locals, and enjoy your trip with real expressions from Colombian Spanish.
Group of Spanish students, learning Spanish in Bogota at the market

Boost your Spanish: Master conversations at Bogota’s Local Markets

At Bogotá’s local markets, you’ll chat with vendors, pick up new words, experience real-life conversations and practice Spanish beyond the classroom. Learning Colombian Spanish can be fun and natural!
How Bogota's neutral accent helps beginners master Spanish

How Bogota’s neutral accent helps beginners master Spanish

Learning Spanish? Bogotá’s clear and neutral accent makes it easier! Find out why it’s the perfect place to start.
What is cultural immersion in language learning?

What is cultural immersion in language learning?

Cultural immersion makes learning Spanish more natural and effective. Discover how experiencing the language through real-life interactions, traditions, and daily activities helps you speak more confidently.
Graffiti in Bogota. Exploring Colombian Spanish: A unique accent that's easy to learn!

Exploring Colombian Spanish: A unique accent that’s easy to learn!

Colombian Spanish, at its core, is the Spanish language you've been learning or hearing about. However, what makes Colombian Spanish unique?
Two students speaking Colombian and Mexican Spanish

Colombian and Mexican Spanish: What sets them apart?

Want to explore the differences between how they speak Spanish in Colombia versus Mexico? Let's take a linguistic journey together and find out more.
Group photo during a cultural activity in the school

What is the best city to learn Colombian Spanish?

To truly immerse yourself in Colombian Spanish and culture, choosing the right city is important. Which city is the best for learning Colombian Spanish? Let's take a closer look.
Woman in a coffee shop studying. Is Colombian Spanish easy to learn?

Is Colombian Spanish easy to learn?

If you're thinking about learning Spanish, you might wonder if Colombian Spanish is a good place to start or if it's easier to understand than other Spanish accents. But what makes a language easy to learn?
Spanish School Bildungsurlaub Accredited

How can Bildungsurlaub help you learn Spanish in Colombia?

Are you looking for ways to improve your skills and advance your career as a German employee? Learn about Bildungsurlaub, a paid leave program that allows you to take time off for study, self-improvement, and learn Spanish.
Easy guide to reflexive verbs and pronouns in Spanish

Easy guide to reflexive verbs and pronouns in Spanish

As you learn Spanish, you may come across "reflexive verbs." Learn what these verbs look like, how to use them, and which ones are most common in Spanish.