35 Piropos (compliments) in Colombian Spanish

Group of people enjoying coffee outside and having a good time

Colombians are known for being friendly, fun and for being the most welcoming people on Earth. But, there is something more…

They have a “certain something,” that “no sé qué”… that attracts many, both men and women.

Colombians are also known for their flirting techniques. They know how to spice up the conversations. They also know how to make you feel attractive and loved.

If you want to learn the real Colombian Spanish, this post is for you! Here, you will learn how we interact with friends and beloved ones.

What’s a “Piropo”?

The word “Piropo” is generally translated as “compliment.” But, a simple “compliment” sounds boring for Colombians, doesn’t it?. Instead, we have created “spiced-up compliments” with a spark of innate poetry.

Thus, “piropo” is nothing more than a quasi-poetic popular expression used to highlight the beauty, the forms, and the features of women or men.

They are more used by men, but if you are a woman, don’t be shy, learn some Colombian piropos! We guarantee you will break the ice and make your friend/partner laugh!

Three steps to using Colombian compliments

Colombians are experts in compliments. But be aware that there are “piropos” of all kinds; those that sound like a romantic poem and those vulgar and sexist.

That is why when saying a “piropo” you should be very careful on when, where, and to whom you say it. It can be a double-edged sword because they could be sublime or gross.

In this article, we will teach you the most romantic and funny ones. We want you to get that “Colombian touch” while keeping yourself elegant and proper.

How to use “piropos”?

Step 1: Don’t say “piropos” to people on the street

Keep in mind to whom this compliment is directed to. Your chances of having an effective response will increase if you already know the person.

Step 2: Choose the compliment wisely

If you are trying to win over someone, you can start with soft compliments to see their reaction. The soft and funny ones are the ice-breaker!

Colombian golden rule: Make them laugh! It will give you extra points.

Once you have tested the waters, or as we would say in Colombian Spanish “cuando hayas tanteado el terreno”, you can be more playful.

Step 3: Choose the proper context

The context in which you use the compliment is key to being successful with the person you like. It’s not the same to say a “piropo” to someone you already know, a close friend you fancy, or your partner.

As mentioned above, avoid saying “piropos” to people on the street. Also, pay special attention to say “piropos” when they are with their family or friends.

Now that you know how to use “piropos”, let’s have some fun learning Colombian Piropos.

35 most common Colombian Piropos

As you might know, in Spanish articles, nouns and adjectives can be feminine or masculine. When saying “piropos”, you should pay attention to whom the compliment is directed to, if it’s directed to a woman or a man.

Yes, we know genders in Spanish are one of the things that confuse new learners the most. Thus, we have divided the “piropos” in three parts:

  • Piropos said by women to men
  • Piropos said by men to women
  • Piropos that work for both genres

If you are a woman and want to say a “piropo” to a guy:

1. Con ese papá para qué juguetes.
(With such a Dad, there is no need for toys)

2. Quien fuera bizca para verte dos veces…
(If only I had crossed-eyes to see you twice…)

3. Quisiera ser reloj …para ser la dueña de tu tiempo.
(I would like to be a watch … to be the owner of your time)

¡Encontré al papá de mis hijos!
(I found the dad of my kids!)

Así me lo recetó el doctor… para curar el dolor de mi corazón.
(Just what the doctor ordered … to cure the pain in my heart.)

If you are a man and want to say a “piropo” to a woman:

Tú con esas curvas y yo sin frenos
(You, with such curves… And me, without breaks)

¿De qué juguetería te escapaste, muñeca?
(From which toy store did you escape, baby?)

Tip: Muñeca is way of saying “baby” or “little darling”

¿Cuándo te caíste del cielo, angelito?
(When did you fall from heaven, little angel?)

Quisiera ser una rosa …para estar en el jardín de tu corazón.
(I would like to be a rose… to be in the garden of your heart.)

Quién fuera bizco para verte dos veces?
(If only I had crossed-eyes to see you twice…)

Así me la recetó el doctor para curar el dolor de mi corazón.
(That’s just how the doctor prescribed it to me … to cure the pain in my heart.)

Con una mamá así para qué juguetes
(With such a Mom, there is no need of toys)

– Se te cayó…
– ¿Qué?….
– Un pétalo, corazón.
( – It dropped
A petal, sweetheart)

For both, women and men:

¿Uyy…Quién pidió pollo?
(Wow, who ordered chicken?)

¿Qué hace una estrella volando tan bajito?
(Why is a star flying so low?)

Si besarte fuera pecado me iría feliz al infierno
(If kissing you were a sin, I would go happily to hell.)

Si la belleza fuera pecado, no tendrías perdòn de Dios
(If beauty were a sin, you would have no forgiveness from God)

Tu mamá debe de ser repostera…¡Qué bizcochos los que hace!
(Your mom must be a pastry chef … What cakes she makes!)

Tip: Bizcocho is a slang for beautiful woman or handsome guy

Desearía ser una lágrima tuya… para nacer en tus ojos, vivir en tus mejillas, y morir en tus labios.
(I wish I was a tear from you… to be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.)

¿Crees en el amor a primera vista o tengo que volver a pasar delante tuyo?…
(Do you believe in love at first sight or shall I pass in front of you again? …)

Bienaventurados los borrachos, porque ellos te verán dos veces.
(Blessed are the drunkards, for they shall see thee twice)

¿Qué está pasando en el cielo que los Ángeles se están cayendo?
(What is happening in heaven that Angels are falling down?)

Oye, mira para arriba así le das al sol un buen motivo para salir hoy.
(Hey, look up at the sky so you give the sun a good reason to come out today.)

Si la vida me diera un deseo, desearía volver a conocerte…
(If life gave me a wish, I wish to see you again…)

Me gustaría ser aviador… para volar en tus sueños, mi amor!
(I would like to be an aviator… to fly in your dreams, my love!)

Oye, camina por la sombrita que los bombones se derriten con el sol.
(Hey, walk in the shade, chocolates melt with the sun)

Tip: Bonbon is a slang for beautiful woman or handsome guy

Te nombro la octava maravilla del mundo.
(I name you the eighth wonder of the world)

¿Sabes por qué el mar es salado? Porque todo lo dulce te lo llevaste tú!
(Do you know why the sea is salty? Because you took all the sweetness with you!)

Si amar es un delito y besar un contrabando, llamen a la policía que me estoy enamorando.
(If loving is a crime and kissing contraband, call the police because I’m falling in love.)

En el cielo debe de haber problemas…hasta los ángeles están bajando.
(There must be troubles in heaven… even Angels are coming down)

Aunque no te llames Alicia, sé que vienes del país de las Maravillas.
(Even if your name is not Alice, I know you come from Wonderland.)

Si tu fueras luna y yo sol, juntos haríamos un eclipse de amor.
(If you were the moon and I was the sun, together we would make an eclipse of love)

Quisiera preguntarte ¿cómo era el cielo cuando te caíste de él?
(I wanted to ask you, how was heaven when you fell from it?)

Las 24 horas del día las divido así: 12 soñando contigo y 12 pensando en ti.
(I divide the 24 hours of my day like this: 12 dreaming about you and 12 thinking about you)

Si el agua fuera belleza tú serías el mar entero.
(If beauty were water, you would be the entire ocean)

We hope you have enjoyed this article!

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