Colombian Spanish

We have said that Colombian Spanish is one of the most neutral and most clean Spanish to learn and understand. Learn more about it here.

10 Reasons why Colombia is the perfect place to learn Spanish

10 Reasons why Colombia is the perfect place to learn Spanish

More than 2000 people a year travel to Colombia to learn Spanish. It has become one of the top destinations to learn the language. Why? Find it here!
Is Spanish in Colombia the same as in Spain?

Top 5 differences between Spanish from Colombia and Spanish from Spain

Will I be able to communicate with others when traveling to Spain if I speak Colombian Spanish? Is Spanish in Colombia the same as in Spain?
Colombia: Greeting in Spanish

Greetings in Spanish: the standard and the colombian way

What do you say when you just meet someone in the morning, afternoon or night? Learn the standard and the Colombian way!
5 Spanish idioms relating to food you need to learn now

5 Spanish idioms relating to food you need to learn now

If you are learning Spanish, it is very important to learn and use cultural expressions or sayings. Learn 5 Spanish expressions that have food related terms in them. Enjoy!
3 Ways to Practice Spanish this Weekend

3 Ways to Practice Spanish this Weekend

Learning Spanish doesn’t stop when you step outside the classroom. Here are our 3 top tips to help you get started practicing Spanish in your free time.
Learn to pronounce 8 of the longest words in Spanish

Learn to pronounce 8 of the longest words in Spanish

Have fun and learn to pronounce some of the longest Spanish words!
6 important factors in choosing a Spanish immersion program

6 important factors in choosing a Spanish immersion program

Thinking about immersing yourself in a Spanish speaking country while studying the language? To get the most of your experience, you need to do more than just choose the country where you will study. Sure, the accent you want to develop is important,…
Calling All Student Travelers: 3 Reasons to Study Spanish in Colombia

Calling All Student Travelers: 3 Reasons to Study Spanish in Colombia

For every Spanish learner, to master the accent and the language’s highly regional vocabulary, it is essential to immerse themselves to achieve fluency. But there are so many amazing countries to choose from, how do you pick where to study? Colombia…
Colombian Spanish Saying: Barriga llena corazón contento

Difference between Spain and Latin American Spanish

Sometimes our students ask us about the difference between the Spanish spoken in Spain and the one spoken in Colombia or Latin America The first difference between Latin American Spanish and the Spanish of Spain is the pronunciation of a…
Colombian Spanish Saying: Barriga llena corazón contento

Colombian Saying: Barriga llena, corazón contento

Colombian Spanish saying: "Barriga llena, Corazón contento" Translation, meaning and audio.