All you need to know to flirt and date with Colombians

Happy couple in a date at a restaurant.

When people talk about Colombia, they talk about music, coffee, and landscapes. But more often, they talk about Colombians.

What is it that makes Colombians attractive to foreigners? Are their physical features, or is their personality?

We would say it is both.

Colombian people are the result of a mix of cultures and a blend of ethnicities. Our country has been influenced by Spanish, Middle-Easterns, Africans, and native indigenous peoples. It is these blends that make Colombians attractive to the eyes of foreigners.

With regards to personality, Colombians are extrovertive, funny, and fun. They love music, dancing and are also great talkers. That’s a good recipe for flirting, isn’t it?

For Colombians, flirting is a game. It’s not about playing all the cards at once, but keeping the other person entertained and keen to get to know you more…

This means not showing too much interest at first and not being too direct.

Yes, we know it can be confusing, mainly for those used to being direct and straightforward. But trust us, that’s the trick.

Another thing you need to know to flirt with Colombians is the use of body language!

For Colombians, body language is as important as spoken language. Learning Colombian Spanish will give you extra points, but it won’t be successful if you balance it with a smile.

Oh, another thing before we start…

Do Colombian women and men flirt the same way?

This is a very important question! And you should know it because your flirting techniques will depend upon this.

Colombia is a traditional country. In big cities, people are more open-minded, but Colombians are generally old-school when it comes to flirting.

Also, it is essential to know that the genre roles in Colombia are very distinct.

“Keep in mind that we generalize in this article, but it doesn’t mean that all Colombians behave the same way.

Colombian Men

They are usually those that make the first move, they start the small talks, and they use the pick-up lines.

They are those who ask for a date and those that call or message first.

Also, generally speaking, men pay the bill when they take a girl out.

Colombian men are full of creativity, fun, and great talkers.

Colombian Women

They do basically the opposite.

They usually expect men to approach first. They don’t call or message first, and they don’t ask the guy out.

Also, they expect the man to pay the bill if he asks her to go on a date. It doesn’t mean she can’t afford it, it’s just a nice gesture, and it gives you points.

Of course, there are exceptions. In cities like Bogota, women are more independent, but here we mention the general rules.

It doesn’t mean women don’t flirt, they do! And, they flirt a lot; they just do it differently.

In the flirting game, men use words and women use body language.

Women start by smiling, touching their hair, or giving you a wink. Then, when you get their attention and go on a date, they like a friendly conversation.

So, if you are a man, wait no more to join our Colombian Spanish classes! You will learn Spanish grammar and those cultural tips you need to know to date a Colombian man or woman.

Having said this, let’s dive into the words and sentences you need to know to flirt and date Colombians.

5 Verbs about Flirting

Let’s start with five basic verbs

1. Coquetear

Literal meaning: Flirting

Él/ella me está coqueteando
He/she is flirting with me

2. Conquistar

Literal meaning: To conquer

We use this word, “conquistar” like the Spanish did hundreds of years ago when they arrived in the Americas.

In Colombian Spanish, we use this verb as “seducing” or “winning the heart of the other person”

Ella me conquistó con su sonrisa
She got my heart with her smile

3. Caer

Literal meaning: To fall

In Colombian Spanish:
Caerle a alguien

Literal meaning: To hit on someone.

El tipo que me está cayendo me invitó a salir
The guy who is hitting on me asked me out

4. Echar los perros

Literal meaning: To throw the dogs

in Colombian Spanish
Echar los perros : To flirt

Ese tipo que està en la barra me está echando los perros
That guy at the bar is flirting with me

5. Salir

Literal meaning: To get out or to go out

In Colombian Spanish
To hang out / to date someone

¿Son novios? – No, estamos sólo saliendo
Is he/she your boyfriend/girlfriend? – No, we are just dating

Nicknames and words we use to call each other

Here are some words you can use to sweeten your speech.

SpanishEnglishWho uses it
Mi amorMy loveMen and women
Mi vidaMy lifeMen and women
Mi cieloMy skyMen and women
Bebé BabeMen and women
CositaHot thingMen and women
PrincesaPrincessMen (say to women)
PríncipePrinceWomen (say to men, less frequent)
MuñecaDollMen (say to women)
MuñecoDollWomen (say to men, less frequent)
LindaPrettyMen (say to women)
Lindo HandsomeWomen (say to men)
Hermosa Beautiful Men (say to women)
Hermoso HandsomeWomen (say to men)
Bonita PrettyMen (say to women)
Bonito HandsomeWomen (say to men)
Guapa PrettyMen (say to women)
Guapo HandsomeWomen (say to men)
Churra PrettyMen (say to women)
Churro HandsomeWomen (say to men)

You can use any of this as a complement to your sentence. For example:

  • Hola Linda, ¿qué haces hoy?
    Hi pretty, what are you doing today?
  • Dale guapo/churro, nos vemos más tarde!
    Ok handsome, see you later!
  • Hasta mañana hermosa, que descanses!
    Goodnight beautiful, sleep well!
  • Hoy no puedo bebé, tengo mucho trabajo
    I can’t today babe, I have a lot of work to do.
  • Amor, ¿quieres ir a cenar esta noche?
    Love, do you want to go for dinner tonight?

Breaking the Ice

Imagine this, you see a beautiful woman or a handsome guy. How do you start the conversation? What would you say?

The ice breakers are very important, and they could open the door for a great conversation that leads to a date or close it.

So, you’ll need to know how to “coquetear.” You can start with a soft compliment or a funny pick-up line to break the ice. (Read the 35 most popular Colombian piropos here).

If you start by making her/him smile, then you get some points and you are in the game!

10 Soft and simple ice breakers

1.¡Qué bonita(o) eres!
How cute you are!

2. Oye, tienes una sonrisa muy linda!
Hey, you have a beautiful smile!

3. ¡Qué lindos ojos tienes!
Your eyes are so pretty!

4. Bailas muy bien, ¿me enseñas?
You dance very well, could you teach me?

5. ¿Vienes mucho por aquí?
Do you come here often?

6. ¿Nos hemos visto antes?
Have we seen each other before?

7. ¿Te han dicho que te pareces a (…)?
Has anyone told you that you look like (…)?

8. Me encanta tu estilo.
I love your style.

9. ¿Quieres tomar algo?
Do you want something to drink?

10. ¿Quieres bailar?
Do you wanna dance?

10 Funny and daring ice breakers

1. ¿Te conozco de antes?
– No
Entonces debo haber soñado contigo

Did we meet before? – No
Then I must have dreamed about you

2. No creía en el amor a primera vista hasta que te vi a ti.
I didn’t believe in love at first sight until I saw you.

3. ¿Me prestas un diccionario?
– ¿Para qué?
Es que al verte me he quedado sin palabras.

Can I borrow a dictionary?
– What is it for?
Cause I got wordless when I first saw you

4. ¿Acaba de salir el sol? ¿O me has sonreído?
Did the sun just come out? Or did you just smile at me?

5. Mi café favorito siempre será el de tus ojos
In Spanish, café means both “coffee” and “brown”. So this one is a game of words.

It means, “My favorite brown color will always be the one in your eyes

6. ¿Hablamos o seguimos jugando a mirarnos?
Shall we talk, or are we keeping on playing at staring at each other?

7. Disculpa, ¿Acaso me estabas mirando?
Excuse me, Were you by any chance looking at me?

8. Perdí mi número, ¿puedo tener el tuyo?
I lost my number, can I get yours?”

9. Eres tan guapa que se me olvidó lo que iba a decir
You’re so gorgeous that I forgot what I was going to say.

10. ¿Sabes cuánto pesa un oso polar?
No, ¿Cuánto?
Lo suficiente para romper el hielo, Hola!

Do you know how much a polar bear weighs?
No, how much?
Enough to break the ice, Hi!

Keep the Conversation Going

Ok, if you have managed to break the ice, to make her/him laugh, then the flirting game is on.

You have a good chance to keep the conversation going on, to ask her/his number, and to go on a date.

Watch out, you can’t relax here…

This stage is where you need more creativity to keep the other person interested in you. Colombians like passion and to keep the fire or spark in relationships, even if it’s just a date.

One of the best things you can do is showing genuine interest in that person. Ask how they are today and what did they did during the day.

Try to make the other person smile, but don’t be too funny; it puts you directly in the friend zone! And, if they don’t get your humor, you can always say:

Normalmente soy muy chistoso/chistosa en inglés!
Usually, I’m really funny in English!

Here, some phrases that will help you keep the conversation going:

  • ¿Cómo estás? ¿Qué tal tu día?
    How are you doing? How was your day?
  • ¿Quieres que te acompañe?
    Do you want me to come with you?
  • ¿Quieres que te recoja?
    Do you want me to pick you up?
  • ¿Vamos a un lugar más tranquilo?
    Shall we go somewhere quieter?
  • Me encantaría verte de nuevo, ¿me das tu teléfono?
    I would love to see you again, can I get your number?
  • Quieres ir a dar una vuelta?
    Do you want to hang out or go for a walk?
  • ¡Estás guapísima/o hoy!
    You are looking gorgeous today!
  • ¿Qué vas a hacer más tarde? ¿Quieres salir?
    What are you doing later? Do you want to go out?
  • No te preocupes, yo invito!
    Don’t worry, it’s on me!
  • La pasé muy bien contigo hoy. Cuándo te veo de nuevo?
    I had a great time with you today. When can I see you again?

To finish, we would like to mention basic Dos and Don’ts when flirting or dating Colombians.

Dos and Don’ts when flirting or dating Colombians

  • Keep your manners.
  • Remember what he/she told you. Trust us, you will get points!
  • Try always to smell good. Get a good perfume or cologne. Colombians love that!
  • Don’t say “mami” or “papi”
  • Don’t talk about drugs, Pablo or Narcos
  • Don’t make dark/dirty jokes. That’s not flirting and it is considered disrespectful.
  • Don’t act like an iceberg, flirt!
  • Cliché, but if you are a guy be on time but don’t expect her to do the same.
  • Say “gracias” after the date.
  • If you are a guy, ask her to pick her up and take her back home. For security reasons, you know…
    Or, say “Avísame cuando llegues” (Let me know when you are home)

We hope you have enjoyed this article, and we wish you a lot of fun with your next dates!

If you want to improve your Spanish, read our Blog and join our online or in-person classes. Also, don’t forget to follow our Facebook and Instagram!

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