False friends: Spanish/English false cognates
Spanish is a Latin language, it has similarities with Italian, French and Portugues. English, in turn, is a Germanic language; it has similarities with German and Dutch.
However, you might be surprised to learn that many English words come from Latin. Some experts say that 60% of the English words come from Latin and that around 30% to 40% of all vocabulary in English have related words in Spanish.
What are false friends in linguistics?
Those similar words are known as cognates.
Cognates can be:
- Perfect cognates
- Near perfect cognates
- False Cognates
Perfect Cognates
Perfect Cognates are those words that are spelled exactly the same in two languages and have the same meaning. Pronunciation is often different, though.
For example:
Spanish | English |
Actor | Actor |
Colonial | Colonial |
Experimental | Experimental |
Idea | Idea |
Social | Social |
Near Perfect Cognates
Near Perfect Cognates are words that are very similar and have the same meaning but the spelling is slightly different.
For example:
Spanish | English |
Attention | Atención |
Contrario | Contrary |
Salario> | Salary |
Solitario | Solitary |
Vocabulario | Vocabulary |
False Cognates
False Cognates are words that sound very similar but mean something totally different.
These are the words we will talk about in this post!
False Cognates are commonly known as false friends. They have taken this name because they actually fool you.
False friends often confuse people learning both Spanish and English. It’s totally normal to make mistakes while learning a new language, but there is no need to be played for a fool.
We have prepared a very comprehensive list of the most common Spanish-English false friends.
Let’s take a look!
What are some examples of false friends in Spanish?
Abogado Vs. Avocado
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Abogado | Lawyer, advocate | Avocado | Aguacate |
Ropa Vs. Rope
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Ropa | Clothes | Rope | Cuerda |
Librería Vs. Library
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Librería | Bookstore | Library | Biblioteca |
Embarazado/a Vs. Embarrassed
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Embarazado/a | Pregnant | Embarrassed | avergonzado/a |
Realizar Vs. Realize
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Realizar | To carry out, perform or achieve | Realize | Darse cuenta |
Gangas Vs. Gangs
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Gangas | Bargains | Gangs | Pandillas |
Lectura Vs. Lecture
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Lectura | Reading | Lecture | Charla, Conferencia |
Recordar Vs. Record
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Recordar | To remember | Record | Grabar |
Introducir Vs. Introduce
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Introducir | To insert (an object) | Introduce | Presentar (people) |
Carta Vs. Cart
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Carta | Letter | Cart | Carro (supermarket, trolley, etc.) |
Advertir Vs. Advertise
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Advertir | To warn | Advertise | Anunciar, hacer publicidad |
Asignatura Vs. Signature
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Asignatura | Subject | Signature | Firma |
Blanco Vs. Blank
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Blanco | White | Blank | en blanco, vacío |
Campo Vs. Camp
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Campo | Field, pitch, countryside | Camp | Campamento |
Carpeta Vs. Carpet
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Carpeta | Folder | Carpet | Alfombra |
Comodidad Vs. Commodity
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Comodidad | Confort | Commodity | Producto, mercancía |
Cuota Vs. Quote
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Cuota | Membership, fee | Quote | Cita literaria |
Envolver Vs. Involve
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Envolver | To wrap up | Involve | Involucrar, implicar |
Éxito Vs. Exit
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Éxito | Success | Exit | Salida |
Extranjero Vs. Stranger
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Extranjero | Foreigner | Stranger | Extraño, desconocido |
Fábrica Vs. Fabric
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Fábrica | Factory, Plant | Fabric | Tela |
Firma Vs. Firm
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Firma | Signature | Firm | Empresa, compañía |
Grabar Vs. Grab
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Grabar | To tape, to record | Grab | Agarrar, coger, tomar |
Gracioso Vs. Gracious
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Gracioso | Funny | Gracious | Cortés, amable |
Grosería Vs. Grocery
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Grosería | Rude remarkrude expression, rudeness | Grocery | Tienda de alimentos |
Horno Vs. Horn
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Horno | Oven | Horn | Cuerno, bocina |
Idioma Vs. Idiom
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Idioma | Language | Idiom | Modismo |
Largo Vs. Large
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Largo | Long | Large | Grande, numeroso, amplio |
Mayor Vs. Mayor
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Mayor | Bigger, biggest, older, oldest | Mayor | Alcalde |
Media Vs. Media
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Media | Stocking, or one sock | Media | Medios de comunicación |
Noticia Vs. Notice
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Noticia | News | Notice | Anuncio, aviso |
Nudo Vs. Nude
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Nudo | Knot | Nude | Desnudo |
Once Vs. Once
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Once | Eleven | Once | Una vez, una vez que, en cuanto |
Pan Vs. Pan
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Pan | Bread | Pan | Sartén, cacerola |
Pie Vs. Pie
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Pie | Foot | Pie | Tarta |
Presumir Vs. Presume
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Presumir | To show off, to boast | Presume | Suponer |
Quieto Vs. Quiet
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Quieto | Still | Quiet | Silencioso, callado |
Red Vs. Red
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Red | Network | Red | Rojo |
Relativo Vs. Relative
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Relativo | Related to | Relative | Pariente, familiar |
Restar Vs. Rest
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Restar | To subtract | Rest | Descansar |
Soportar Vs. Support
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Soportar | To put up with, to bear | Support | Apoyar |
Suceso Vs. Success
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Suceso | Event, happening, incident | Success | Éxito |
Trasladarse Vs. Translate
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Trasladarse | To move, to transfer | Translate | Traducir |
Tuna Vs. Tuna
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Tuna | School or University musical group | Tuna | Atún |
Últimamente Vs. Ultimately
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Últimamente | Lately | Ultimately | Finalmente |
Vaso Vs. Vase
Spanish Word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
Vaso | Glass | Vase | Jarrón |
False friends are fun sometimes but you don’t want to be taken as a fool, so make sure you learn the differences.
There are false friends that can put you in trouble. For example:
It’s not the same saying:
“Estoy embarazada” (I’m pregnant)
“Estoy avergonzada” (I’m embarrassed)
If you want to improve your Spanish language join our classes here. Also, read our weekly blog and learn about Colombia, Bogota and Colombian Spanish.