Tag Archive for: Vocabulary

Tips for mastering Spanish gender

Tips for mastering Spanish gender

Confused about the gender of Spanish nouns? Don't be! Learn the rules to help you know whether a word is masculine or feminine!
False friends: Spanish/English false cognates

False friends: Spanish/English false cognates

Find out what false friends in linguistics are, and which of these 'friends' you need to avoid as an English speaker learning Spanish.
20 funny Colombian expressions and what they mean

20 funny Colombian expressions and what they mean

Some of the most common Colombian Spanish slang expressions are also the funniest. Here are 20 phrases that are so silly you'll never forget them!
7 tips for perfect Colombian Spanish pronunciation

7 tips for perfect Colombian Spanish pronunciation

Working on your Spanish pronunciation skills is definitely worth the effort. Use these strategies to make learning easier.
Learn about Colombian food while improving your Spanish language

Learn about Colombian food while improving your Spanish language

How would traveling be without trying local dishes? Trying new foods is not only delicious, it is also an opportunity to learn about a new language.
20 slang expressions we only use in Colombia

20 slang expressions we only use in Colombia

We guide you through 20 slang that may have a different meaning to what you first imagined. Learn the lingo and you’ll soon be talking like a true Colombian.
Colombian flag in a window with flowers. Is Colombian Spanish really the world’s best?

Does Colombia have the best Spanish?

Why Colombian Spanish is considered one of the easiest accents to understant and why is gaining the popularity of being "the world’s best"?
Spanish Language: How to use the verbs Ser and Estar

Mastering the Spanish Language: Verbs ‘Ser’ and ‘Estar’

One of the most difficult topics for Spanish language learners is the use of the verb “To be”, which in Spanish is divided into two verbs: “Ser” and “Estar”. What’s the difference?
Colombian Spanish slangs meaning

30 Colombian slangs and what they mean

Yes, Colombian Spanish is one of the most neutral and clearest Spanish to learn. But, we also have slangs and expressions. What do they mean? Find out here!
Is Spanish in Colombia the same as in Spain?

Top 5 differences between Spanish from Colombia and Spanish from Spain

Will I be able to communicate with others when traveling to Spain if I speak Colombian Spanish? Is Spanish in Colombia the same as in Spain?